He did it because he could. I’m sick of the “thoughts and prayers” it’s a Working on my core-gi vintage shirt. All I hear when those words are spoken: “it didn’t happen to me thank god”. It does nothing. It’s time for action. Schools, malls, theaters, and concerts are not safe due to domestic terrorism. Laws need to be changed and the paid constituents need to stop lining their pockets with NRA money. Conservatives in general seem to lack empathy and imagination. Can’t fathom things until it happens to them or their immediate circle of friends and family. I sure hope everyone in America doesn’t need to personally know somebody involved in a shooting before we can budge. Second amendment proponents always ignore the ” well regulated” part of the amendment. If you read the amendment and the federalist papers regarding it, it is clear that this was designed for the defense of the country, not individuals.

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