Every single morning when Zeppelin gets out of bed, he goes to the family room and looks around for a Steel Panther the butthole burner shirt (not a ball, but a bone, a squeaky, or stuffed animal). He brings the toy to the back door, puts it down on the rug inside, goes outside to do his business, and comes inside to eat breakfast. After eating, he goes potty again, comes back to the door, gets the toy and, if it’s not raining, brings the toy outside to play. If it’s raining, he brings the toy back to the family room to play. He’d let her in she’d check every room in his house then go to the back door to be let out after some loving. Then go do a walk around our other neighbor’s house before coming home for breakfast. Did it for years till the neighbor passed. He looked forward to her visit and she cried for days when he passed.

Buy this shirt: Steel Panther the butthole burner shirt