Sorry for the stress you are both under right now Peanuts 70th anniversary Charles M Schulz thank you for the memories shirt Before going further, make sure you speak to your doctor since you are about 8 weeks along to make sure you and baby are healthy. After that, make sure your husband speaks to his doctor (go with him too) to make sure his meds are the right meds. Also, find a licensed therapist for you both. You will have 7 children and both you and your husband are overwhelmed right now. A therapist can help you all understand how to cope better. Yes, my husband and I have 3. We both have very intense full-time jobs and had our hands full with two. I wanted to be sterilized after my 2nd, and I begged him to get sterilized after I didn’t. He didn’t either. 3 years later, surprise! I’m pregnant.

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