A psychologist at Harvard, I’m not always a bitch sometimes I’m asleep shirt Deirdre Barrett, has theorized that having nightmares was a trait selected for throughout evolution to focus our ancestors on dangers and threats. If someone is attacked by a bear today, it is most likely in a zoo. If it is in the wilderness and they escape alive, it’s unlikely that they’ll be exposed to another bear attack for a very long time – if ever again. However, this sort of protection didn’t exist thousands of years ago. The world was a lot more dangerous and uncontrolled than it is today. The problem is that now we no longer need that built-in alarm system. Trauma-related nightmares usually just end up re-traumatizing ourselves. He knew if my eyes were open I would respond to his signals of course and if I wouldn’t get right up he’d lean over my face and drool on it. Yuck, but it was cute.

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