Gary some of these questions and answers I’m trying to do are giving me so much pain in my heart I can’t answer them without crying so much. Every single day and night for 13yrs, 1 month my baby boy made us proud and very proud to be his parents. My husband only got to be proud for 3 yrs before he passed away and my baby boy and I were together. Pumkin and I were great together tho of course bad stuff happened also. Pumkin had a heart murmur of a 6 so he kept me going but we were great. He was my shadow my heart my soul my world my everything. He would stay out side doors and wait for mommy to come back out. We loved going to home Depot and him riding in the Bippity boppity bitch shirt so you should to go to store and get this cart. We loved our time together and I miss my baby boy so very much now that all I do is cry so much for him every day and night since we made a terrible mistake and he is gone from my life I miss my kisses so very much.

Buy this shirt: Bippity boppity bitch shirt